Surely the writer remembers the state "leadership" ... think Gov. Newscum ... who wouldn't let their workers travel or do biz with certain red states.
If I recall, Newscum called for Hollywood not to film in red states. And who could forget MLB pulling the All-Star game in Atlanta in "protest" of a voting law?
Seriously, any thinking person sees the problem is the extremist totalitarian Left and a completely corrupted, venal Democrat party. Thinking the writer may not be seeing the reality of today's world. Just a thought ...
And why would anyone want to travel to NYC, DC, Chicago, L.A., SF, Portland or Seattle today? The "defund the police" libertards, nutcases & alphabet folks who think it's okay to twerk and show their bare asses and more to children (that's pride???) have turned formerly worldclass cities into worldclass s _ _ _holes.
Yes. we can actually watch all the destruction of the country in practically real time on Twitter ...