Judging by this nonsense, Trump Derangement Syndrome will last for some time. A good example of the Dem playbook: accuse your opponent of what you're guilty of. In this case, the only dementia patient in the house is Biden.
C'mon man! Where's CornPop. Oh, yah, sorry, I forgot to talk about the pancaked condo disaster in Florida with many dead. Uh, where's my hot cocoa. Uh, and I need some hair to sniff.
The price of a 4th of July meal is down 16 cents! Breaking news from the White House!
That's Sleepy Joe, the President some puppeteer managed to install as the puppet!
Never thought there'd be a worse president than George W. Bush in my lifetime, but Biden easily moved to that spot on Day 1.
What an embarrassment to the U.S.
And this piece ends up at the top of the pile on Medium? Good grief!
The disgraced Dem party must be in complete meltdown. If they thought Biden would exit stage left at some point not far into his installation and Harris would step in, that's an impossibility now, given how clear it is now that she's completely out of her depth.
Maybe Dr. Jill can step in.