Delusion sure runs deep among the anti-Trumpers who seem to be confused and certainly live in a lot of fear: "Oh no. The Big Bad Orange Man is going to come eat me!"
Remind me ... What was that story about Democrats and mental illness?
News Flash: Trump has been out of office for coming on eight months now. So the horror show that has rolled out at breakneck speed is all thanks to the installed current administration and the many evil goons that make up the Marxist party, still called the Democrat party.
So y'all live in fear of Orange Man, but have no fear that a dementia patient, a whore and another dementia patient have the three top slots in the gov't, and that the party's direction spells one thing: Disaster.
Alrighty then ...
And, hey, here's another News Flash. Trump has every right to run for office again. But, maybe you can try impeaching him again ... maybe before the mid-terms.
And your name is Caren ... really? That's appropriate.