Contextualization? Uh, right. Seem to miss that Seattle has been given over to vagrancy for years. aided by ever-more liberalization of laws. The documentary was "propaganda" or truth? The writer seems confused as to what is what. Depending on the city, this story is played across Dem-controlled cities up & down the coast.
Re: riots. How to perfume a pig?!!! Kum bah ya my ass! Working out of the same playbook of other Dem cities, leadership is standing down and letting crime take place. Arson, looting, vandalism ... occupation.
Why aren't adults in charge anymore?
It doesn't matter how well the writer writes. She's not being honest. The city ceded multiple city blocks to insurgents and losers. Do citizens have no right to protection and safety? The city abandoned a police station, for chrissakes! A radical, commie city council member let in insurgents to take over city space. In what America is Seattle?
Seattle is out of control. Pity regular citizens who have to put up with this s _ _ _, crime & failure.
There's absolutely no defense for allowing this.