American Citizen Gonzalo Lira is Dead

Maria K. Fotopoulos
3 min readJan 26, 2024


The Evil Empire Takes Another Life

“Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind …”

– John Donne

Jan. 15, 2024 | Dual U.S.-Chilean citizen Gonzalo Lira, a commentator living in the Ukraine who was critical of the Ukrainian regime and the U.S. proxy war with Russia, was killed last week at the hands of the Ukrainian and U.S. governments in a Ukrainian prison. A father of two young children, Lira was 55 years old.

The senseless and cruel death of Gonzalo Lira came at the hands of ugly, hateful “leaders” who have lost all humanity. This clip of Matthew Miller from the U.S. State Department exemplifies the callousness of our government, a government that does not work on behalf of its people:

State Dept Questioned About US Citizen’s Claim He Was Tortured In Ukraine Over Social Media Posts (

Imprisoned for much of 2023 in the Ukraine on faux charges, Lira attempted to seek asylum in Hungary and failed. By the time Lira decided he had to exit the Ukraine, he had concluded if he didn’t try, he would die in a Ukrainian prison.

Alex Christoforou from The Duran said that Lira’s father, Gonzalo Lira, Sr., begged for help for his son from the U.S. State Department, which has as one of its directives to support American citizens abroad.

Lira, Sr. begged repeatedly.

The U.S. State Department did nothing.





All it would have taken was one phone call from U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken or President Joe Biden to their man in Kiev. More than $100,000,000,000 funneled from the U.S. to the Ukraine allows them that privilege.

Readers’ suggested to-do list:

Ask the amateur guitarist and dad (per his X profile) @SecBlinken how he, as a father himself, could condone the killing of an American citizen and father of two young children.

Ask @POTUS, who dearly loves his drug addicted, whoremongering son, and his dearly departed first son, how he could condone the killing of an American citizen and father of two young children.

Many people brought attention to Lira’s political imprisonment for the “crime” of speaking, including Americans who contacted their elected officials and asked them to intervene, as well as Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Glenn Greenwald, and Alex Christoforou & Alexander Mercouris of The Duran. Gonzalo himself humbly pleaded for help.

By a reading of the events that have been shared publicly by Gonzalo Lira, Sr. and reported on by Carlson, The Duran and others, Lira was killed for sharing his opinions and analysis. And as Gonzalo himself said, “I had an opinion that went against the narrative, and that’s why I went to prison, and that’s why, if I’m arrested again, I will die in prison.”

Let that sink in.

The U.S. allowed the killing of an American for having and sharing opinions and information.

Killing people who disagree with the reigning power is what petty dictators do. This is the stuff of totalitarians. That’s how dictators show “power.” That’s how they indicate to the little people, “You better obey, or this will be you too.” This is not the stuff of democracy.

An X tweet summarized the horror of these governments acting with impunity: “Biden admin gave Lira the death sentence, Zelensky was the executioner.”

“Understand what’s going on.”

RIP Gonzalo Lira, 1968–2024



Maria K. Fotopoulos
Maria K. Fotopoulos

Written by Maria K. Fotopoulos

Maria writes about the link between biodiversity loss & human overpopulation, and from time to time other topics that confound her. FB @BetheChangeforAnimals

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